Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Baraka - A World Beyond Words

This movie is a series of images and clips showing us the real world. It commences with water and the natural side of this world then slowly moves on to the religious and traditional aspects of this world. We then are shown the unnatural, man made, "destructive" side of earth. This film may seem somewhat pointless at first however when you really start to think about it and analyze it you realize that it has a very deep and powerful message within. To me what this film interpreted were the different contrasts in this world yet showing all these contrasts are interconnected. For example from the ancient religious rituals to the buzzing city life, from following a geisha to Kabuki dancers or the shot of an elaborate tattoo with one of tribal paint. It tries to show us how this world has changed from simple to complex yet putting into context that we are still ONE. This world is one, regardless of the different lifestyles we may all go through. A proffesor named Gothnburg made this statement about Baraka which I believe is very accurate; Baraka is claiming earth as one organism made by many systems that are so different yet they work together in order for it to progress and we can compare the people crossing the zebra crossings to the blood that flows through this organism. Earth is made up of many different cultures, traditions, factories, people yet we are all interconnected through one another as this movie showed. I also got the notion that the place we begin a journey from is generally where we end it.

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