Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Evaluating The Sources :)

I will now be evaluating some of the sources I have used to reflect upon..

2012 - Yesterday in class we watched 2012. The goal in this movie was to show us what is going to happent to this world if we don't take action now itself and try to protect it. Although we did not get through the entire movie I have a brefit knowledge of what happens in the end. I think the motives behind this movie were good; trying to scare us so we will protect our planet. But there is a bad riddance in every good deed. Due to the exachiration in this movie people will think all the warnings about global warming are just another exatiration when in fact they are not. However what we must comprhend is the fact that this is a Hollywood movie and it's main priority is to create a block buster that will earn them good money whilst at the same time trying to give out a message.

Baraka - This was the first movie we watched. Like I said prior to this on my blog you need to really think about this movie and analyze what we see in order to get the deep message within, but that message is amazing. I think that this movie was a good source to us as it put so much into perspective. I didn't think it was biased at all and all it tried to show us was regardless whether it's the materialistic world or the natural, we are all interconnected through one another and the fact that one's action has a major impact on the other.

The 11th Hour - This movie was just another typical movie. The reason I was somewhat negative about this on my blog was because we see things like this so very often and it's nothing new to us. But if we are evaluating the source itself I think it's pretty good. They got all their facts right and they emphasized on that fact that we need to start changing. I guess to an extent they were very one-sided and talked so much about what WE are doing to this environment which kind of made me angry but at the end of the day I guess that was the point of this movie.

Yesterday in class we watched this very interesting clip of this women trying to tell us what we are doing. It was the same old as she said we use all of earths natural resources and what we end up giving back are the toxics. However she used this one line which made her story different from everyone else's and thats when she said that way in which everything occurs (trees cut down from the natural world, transported to factories, distributed to stores, consumption and finally disposal) is in the form of a linear line when in fact the world is a sphere. When I heard this line it really stuck to me because a linear line and a sphere just don't go together. I really liked this source and I thought it was a good way of getting the message across as she focused alot on polluting forms such as consumptions which we all gladly take part in!

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