Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The 11th Hour.

If I am being honest, I thought this movie was quite cliche.. Sure it was insightful, etc. but it was nothing we hadn't seen before. The 11th Hour featured the gorgeous Leonardo De Caprio warning us of the damage we are causing to the enviroment and ways to prevent it. What I realized whilst watching this movie is there is no point in sitting back and talking about what we are doing to this world, because much of the damage has already been done and we are not entirely to blame. Factories, industries and vehicles pollute this environment plenty. At the same time, most us depend on such violators for our daily lifestyles and needs. My feelings towards Global Warming is that too much damage has already been done and most of us are selfish and unwilling to change our comfortable lifestyle in order to prevent it or at the very least minimize it; I know I am. Due to this reason I think scientists should start coming up with solutions on how to deal the floods, droughts, landslides, etc. so that lives can be saved without merely trying to blame the environment for it.. That I believe is what the 12th Hour should be about.... if in fact there is going to be such a movie.

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